Learn more about our Founders

jordan ocen, founder and executive director

Called at the young age of 4, Jordan Ocen (formerly Sharp) is an African American from Atlanta, GA with a heart for the nations and specifically, Northern Uganda. At that young age, she was moved by the burdens of underprivileged children in Africa. In the eighth grade, she became passionate about the sufferings of the LRA War, specifically in Gulu, Uganda. In 2014, during her junior year at Spelman College and a study abroad in the country to learn about the effects of that insurgency, she realized her place of belonging: Gulu, Uganda.

Today, she resides in there with her native Ugandan husband— Gen House Co-Founder, Ocen and adopted daughter, Ketty. She considers Gen House to be the journey of her own testimony growing up without a dad, and God’s faithfulness to lead her to the place he called her at 4 years old.

Alongside Ocen, Jordan cares for at-risk children, orphans, youth, and adults there daily out of her empathy for the fatherless and heart of compassion towards other vulnerable neighbors in their rural village (the site of Gen House). Her favorite days in the village are Sundays where she teaches Sunday School aka children’s church at The Word Community Church, our church at Gen House. Jordan also uses her Spelman degree in International Studies and Development which first sent her to Uganda, to ensure that the resources Gen House supplies are sustainable for the community and welfare of the people there that she loves dearly.

ocen francis, co-founder and country director

Ocen Francis is native Acholi from Northern Uganda. He is an incredible theologian that has been passionate about The Gospel since the age of 5. He grew up in Kitgum, the district most devastated by the LRA War, which defined most of his upbringing in that insurgency. Still, his life has become an inspiring testimony of survival and great faith after losing both parents and his eldest sister during the time of that war.

Uniquely, his moving stories of triumph sparked the very first conversation with Jordan during her study abroad in 2014, covering much of their shared pains of growing up orphaned. Little did the two know, their friendship established that day on would blossom into marriage and their life of ministry together. Today, he is joyously married to Jordan and together with their adopted daughter Ketty, they serve Gen House to proclaim the redemption of all people as orphans without God as their Father.

Ocen is also the pastor of our church at Gen House, The Word Community Church, where he fervently encourages the preaching of sound doctrine, defending the faith through apologetics, and training up disciples through the God’s Word and quality time spent at church members homes throughout our village.

Meet our Board of Directors

briana jones, board chairwoman

Briana Jones serves as our board chair. She has an educational background in information systems and an MBA from Georgia Southern University. Currently she works as a senior technology consultant for large scale business transformations. Outside of her day to day, Briana is passionate about sports, music, and technology and making extracurricular activities accessible to all. Gen House has always been important to her and she is excited to expand upon the vision and make an impact in our village. 



Laticia Sharp serves as our board treasurer. She is owner of Sharp Management Group, LLC, a provider of contract accounting services. Laticia has an MBA with over 30 years of experience in Accounting and Finance for nonprofit and for-profit businesses, and private and public organizations. That management experience includes performing accounting and financial services for industries including banking, software, government, education, and small businesses.

Outside of her great love for numbers and service through Sharp Management Group, LLC, Laticia blessed to be a mother of two beautiful children, including Gen House Founder, Jordan Ocen.



Jennifer Spears serves as our board secretary. She is the Founder and CEO of Spears Accounting Solutions, a virtual accounting firm that works with small businesses in the U.S. Jennifer has over 20 years of leadership in serving non-profits and national organizations. During her twelve year career as a corporate Accountant, she has built a reputation for operational excellence, working with the highest level of integrity, and a deep and passionate commitment to service. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Francis Marion University. Today, Jennifer resides in Atlanta, GA with her husband Shawn and two children. Together, they operate a real estate development company that invests in disadvantage neighborhoods in the Birmingham, AL area.